Limb Salvage

If you or a loved one has been told you need an amputation, seek a second opinion from Jackson Health System.

Although the majority of cases do not require an amputation, patients are handled on a case-by-case fashion, and amputation may be their only option.

If you’re experiencing the sudden onset of the following, head to the nearest emergency room:

  • Pain that prevents you from walking
  • No feeling in your leg, foot, or toe(s)
  • Coldness if your leg, foot, or toe(s), compared to the non-affected leg, foot, or toe(s)


If you’re experiencing the sudden onset of the following, head to the nearest emergency room:

  • Pain that prevents you from walking
  • No feeling in your leg, foot, or toe(s)
  • Coldness if your leg, foot, or toe(s), compared to the non-affected leg, foot, or toe(s)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the causes of amputation?

Most cases of amputation are caused by lack of blood flow and infection.

What are the different types of amputation?

Amputation is divided into two groups, minor and major amputation. Minor amputations are limited to the foot-area, such as the toes and the forefoot. These types of amputations are less morbid and easier to recover from. Major amputations involve the entire leg, either above or below the knee, or in extreme cases at the level of the hip. These amputations are those we aim to avoid through multiple techniques.

What is the difference between a nerve block and an amputation?

A nerve block is a procedure in which nerve fibers are blocked so patients don’t feel pain. This procedure provides only symptomatic relief. An amputation is a more invasive procedure which can be divided into two groups (see definition above).

How many opinions should you get for amputation?

We view amputation as the last possible treatment option. Individuals should seek multiple opinions, and be sure to have all their questions answered. There are several treatment options that can be explored before amputation. If you or a loved one is experiencing the sudden onset of the following symptoms, seek care immediately. If you have been experiencing a chronic case (one week or more) of the symptoms listed here, call 305-585-4DOC to schedule your appointment.

My doctor told me that I would need to get an amputation, are there any other options?

If you or a loved one has been told you need an amputation, seek a second opinion from Jackson Health System. Although the majority of cases do not require an amputation, patients are handled on a case-by-case fashion, and amputation may be their only option.

Can you avoid amputation?

Yes, in most cases, amputation can be avoided.

What are the effects of amputation, and is it a painful experience?

Amputation can be a painful experience, both physically and psychologically. After major amputation, only a small percentage of patients are able to walk and be completely independent.

What are the steps for post-amputation care?

Post-amputation care includes extensive rehabilitation, as well as lifestyle adaptations. Once an individual has healed from surgery properly and prosthesis is provided, they will be faced with challenges in completing tasks that were previously part of their daily routine.